About Us

The Department of Sociology combines a social scientific approach with one informed by the humanities, the traditional heritage of Boğaziçi University. The department maintains strong links with the departments of political science and international relations, economics, history, philosophy and psychology.

The academic interests of the department's permanent staff are wide-ranging, overlapping with related disciplines such as anthropology, demography, health and population, history, political science and philosophy. The faculty share a strong international orientation, reflecting their training in major North American and Western European universities, their continued involvement in international professional associations, and their ongoing collaborative research and writing with colleagues abroad. In addition to the permanent faculty, the range of courses and scholarly exchange in the department is extended each year by part-time professors and visiting lecturers from Turkey and abroad. Research fellows financed by international sources are also provided with various facilities as well as invited to join departmental seminars.

Last update of this web site: December 7, 2022